T-Kit 12: Youth transforming conflict


T-Kit 12: Youth transforming conflict. The thematic field represented by the intersection between conflict, youth and educational practice is an obvious choice considering these criteria. Many youth organisations and youth work services work actively and focus on dealing with conflicts of different kinds. Nevertheless, these often lack resources, relevant information and methods for their daily

T-Kit 4: Intercultural Learning


T-Kit 4: Intercultural Learning. The result is a revised T-Kit intended as an educational material for youth workers, educators and trainers to understand what intercultural learning is and how to best consider it and enhance it when planning, running and evaluating activities with young people. The ultimate aim of these educational processes is to enable

Toolkit – Toolkit on Interreligious Dialogue in Youth Work


2. Toolkit – Toolkit on Interreligious Dialogue in Youth Work. This toolkit was developed by the European Youth Forum, under the theme “Living Faiths Together, and to mark the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue (2008). The toolkit offers detailed information and practical tips on organising intercultural activities for young people and on the role that

Universal Day of Prayer for Students 2009


Universal Day of Prayer for Students 2009. In 2009, the Universal Day of Prayer for Students focused on the themes of identity, diversity and dialogue. These were discussed as reflections of personal, social and ethnic individuality, and as encompassing tolerance and acceptance. The materials and liturgy were prepared by the Middle East region of WSCF.  8. UDPS

Tool Kit- Training Essentials


T-Kit 6: Training Essentials. This T-Kit addresses itself to trainers working within a European framework. It proceeds by assuming that they will be working with a multicultural group and team, in an activity that demands careful planning and input from them, and in training situations which pose a range of personal and professional questions. While

Policy Paper – Resolution of the 35th General Assembly of the World Student Christian Federation


Policy Paper – Resolution of the 35th General Assembly of the World Student Christian Federation. This policy paper was discussed and approved by the 35th General Assembly, which took place in Bogota, Colombia, in 2015. It makes a number of recommendations for the future programme of work of the Federation, both globally and in each

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