T-Kit 11 Mosaic: The training kit for Euro-Mediterranean youth work


T-Kit 11 Mosaic: The training kit for Euro-Mediterranean youth work. Mosaic is intended to provide theoretical and practical tools for youth workers and trainers to work with and use when training people. More specifically, Mosaic aims to be an intellectually stimulating tool that supplies youth workers, trainers and project leaders interested in Euro-Mediterranean youth co-operation with

T-Kit 12: Youth transforming conflict


T-Kit 12: Youth transforming conflict. The thematic field represented by the intersection between conflict, youth and educational practice is an obvious choice considering these criteria. Many youth organisations and youth work services work actively and focus on dealing with conflicts of different kinds. Nevertheless, these often lack resources, relevant information and methods for their daily

Intercultural learning in non-formal education


Intercultural learning in non-formal education. Intercultural learning has long held a central role in European youth work and policy, especially in international youth exchanges. The expectations placed on intercultural learning as a process, as an educational and social objective and, lastly, as a political attitude in relation to diversity remain fully relevant in Europe today. 

Universal Day of Prayer for Students 2013


Universal Day of Prayer for Students 2013. The liturgy and materials for the 2013 celebration of the Universal Day of Prayer for Students were prepared by the Student Christian Movement (SCM) of Cuba, in partnership with the WSCF Inter-Regional Office and with contributions from SCM India. The theme of the celebration was “God of Life, Lead Us to

Universal Day of Prayer for Students 2019


Universal Day of Prayer for Students 2019. The 2019 Universal Day of Prayer for Students focused on the theme “Young people building peace and overcoming violence”. It invited movements from across the world to pray and reflect on how to overcome violence among different societies and among people from different faith communities. The liturgy and materials were prepared by the WSCF

Communique – Peacebuilding and Overcoming Violence in the Middle East


Communique - Peacebuilding and Overcoming Violence in the Middle East. Between 30 July and 4 August 2017, in Cairo, Egypt, WSCF hosted the conference “Peacebuilding and Overcoming Violence in the Middle East”. 45 young people, representing SCMs from around the world, attended the conference. The communiqué released after the conference included messages for Christian youth

Communique – Peacebuilding and Dialogue: Ecumenical Youth and Students Advocating for Sustainable Peace in the Korean Peninsula


Communique - Peacebuilding and Dialogue: Ecumenical Youth and Students Advocating for Sustainable Peace in the Korean Peninsula. Following the WSCF Asia-Pacific’s Regional Program on Peacebuilding and Dialogue, held in Seoul, South Korea, in August 2018, representatives of 10 SCMs from the region released a communiqué explaining the content of the programme, the background of the

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