Step-by-step together. Support, Tips, Examples and Possibilities for youth work with young refugees


Step-by-step together. Support, Tips, Examples and Possibilities for youth work with young refugees.This publication offers practical tools for youth work on the inclusion and participation of young refugees at local level. It focuses on youth participation and inclusion as key dimensions to build inclusive societies and, at the same time, to create an enabling environment

Youth work against violent radicalisation


Youth work against violent radicalisation.The study includes concepts that can be useful for youth work practitioners in understanding the phenomenon of radicalisation leading to violence. It includes 20 examples of youth work practices, grouped in five categories: peer education; online campaigns and digital media; co-operation with other stakeholders; providing opportunities; and education and training. It

All Different – All Equal – Education pack. Ideas, resources, methods and activities for informal intercultural education with young people and adults


All Different - All Equal - Education pack. Ideas, resources, methods and activities for informal intercultural education with young people and adults. The Education Pack aims to provide practical and theoretical materials which can be used by educators, trainers, youth workers and teachers in informal education, to facilitate the learning process and knowledge of young

Activity – Role-Play – The Financial Crisis


Activity – Role-Play – The Financial Crisis. This role-play is designed for large or small groups of people. It gives participants the chance to act out different roles (e.g. national government, local banks, credit rating agencies etc.), over three stages, to help them understand the dynamics and decision-making processes involved in a financial crisis scenario.

Activity – Ethics, Power and the Global Economy – Game


Activity – Ethics, Power and the Global Economy - Game. This activity is a role-play for a large group of people (over 30). It acts out trading and global economic and power relationships. The roles can be used as they are to create variations that better fit the local context. 3. Activity - Ethics, Power

Workshop – Media: An Alternative Truth


Workshop – Media: An Alternative Truth. This workshop was developed by Vladyslav Vlasov and Natalia Mykytei. The workshops focus on the critical analysis of media messages, showing how unreliable media resources can be sometimes, and allowing for discussion on how much trust young people can have in the media. 2. Workshop - Media - An

Workshop – “When I was Young a Blackberry was ‘Just’ a Fruit“


Workshop – “When I was Young a Blackberry was ‘Just’ a Fruit“. This interactive video workshop, developed by Maximilian Karrasch and Gabor Nemet, reflects on society’s growing overreliance on technology. The workshop can be used for small or large groups, as long as at least two groups can be formed. 1. Workshop – “When I

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